Table tags, such as “”, “” and “” should all be closed before “” and “” are closed. To make the closing of such tags optional, turn off "Enforce the closing of table tags" in the Scan Preferences. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting either align = “left” or “right”. Table tags, such as “”, “”, “
” and “” should all be closed. To make the closing of such tags optional, turn off "Enforce the closing of table tags" in the Scan Preferences. Table tags, such as “
” and “” should all be closed. To make the closing of such tags optional, turn off "Enforce the closing of table tags" in the Scan Preferences. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting type = either “block”, “horizontal”, or “vertical”. If a “” tag has the type “block”, then the “height” or “width” attribute is used to define the amount of whitespace to insert. The “size” attribute does not control anything, and so this attribute should be deleted. To define the amount of space to whitespace to be inserted in a “” tag of the type “block”, the “height” or “width” attribute is needed. However, this tag does not have such an attribute. To define the amount of space to whitespace to be inserted in a “” tag of the type “horizontal” or “vertical”, the “size” attribute is needed. However, this tag does not have such an attribute. If a “” tag has the type “horizontal” or “vertical”, then the “size” attribute is used to define the amount of whitespace to insert. The “height” and “width” attribute do not control anything, and any such attributes should be deleted. Heading tags, such as “

”, “

”, “

”, etc. cannot be set when there is another heading tag already open. Any text inside “…
” tags must be within a table cell (either “

” or “”). This text is not in a cell and as a result it will be rendered above the rest of the table. If a base link is a relative link, such as this one, your browser will not treat the link as a local link, but instead as a net link. You are opening a tag within a table cell, but this tag is not closed before the table cell is closed. You have the open tag character “<”, but no corresponding “>” character for this tag. The “” tag tells your browser where to break a line if needed. However, it must be used within the “” tags. The frame tag defines what will appear in a frame. However, without the “src” attribute, your browser will not know which file to display. The frameset tag allows you to define the frame layout of your HTML file. However, without the “rows” or “cols” attributes, your browser will not be able to create any frames. Some HTML editors, such as PageMill/SiteMill and HomePage insert their own tags in documents. This is one such tag, and you can probably safely delete it. Some HTML editors, such as PageMill/SiteMill and HomePage insert their own attributes into tags. This is one such attribute, and you can probably safely delete it. A non-standard font is being used in this file, which you do not have installed on this Macintosh. As a result, you may get display errors while viewing this file. When you define frames in “” (eg. “”), you must make sure that all of these frames have a source - either by use of the “” tag, or by nesting another “” tag inside it. Hex colour codes, as opposed to a defined colour name, must be preceded by a hash. Although not serious, because most browsers allow it, you should choose to fix this error. You are opening a tag, but this tag is not being closed in this file. The path contained in this attribute’s data should point to a folder, as this attribute specifies the base directory of other files. Therefore, this attribute's data cannot be an email address or newsgroup. The script tag allows you to embed script into your HTML file. However, without the “src” or “language” attributes, your browser won’t know which script to run. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting shape = either “rect”, “circle”, “polygon”, or “rectangle”. A comment begins with “”. I have found the start of a comment, but there it is not being closed before the end of the file. This colour supports one hundred variants, and therefore you can only have “color="col"” or “color="col*"”, where * is a number less than or equal to 100, and greater than 0. There are only four variants to this colour, and so therefore you can only have “color="col"” or “color="col*"”, where * is either 1, 2, 3 or 4. Some of Netscape’s pre-defined colours have variants (eg. “color="blue2"” is different to “color="blue3"”), however the colour you are using does not have any variants. Netscape has a number of pre-defined colours (eg. “”), however the colour you have entered does not match any of these. PageInspector is Shareware. If you decide to keep PageInspector after three (3) weeks, you must send the author $15. If a “” tag has the type “horizontal” or “vertical”, then the “size” attribute is used to define the amount of whitespace to insert. The “height” and “width” attribute do not control anything, and any such attributes should be deleted. The “” tag inserts a blank space into a rendered HTML page, however your browser requires the “type” tag to determine whether the space should be rendered horizontally, vertically, or in a block. The “” tag tells your browser where to put the cell of a table. However, it must be preceded by both the “” and “” tags. The “
” tag tells your browser where to put the cell of the table. However, it must be preceded by a “” tag. Some attributes (such as “href” or “width”) require data (eg. an URL in the case of “href”, and a number in the case of “width”). However, you are not providing one such attribute with the data it needs. The only thing that should be enclosed in “” tags is the title of the page. Other tags (such as “<h1>” for example) should never be placed between the open and close “<title>” tags. If a link to a file contains the protocol “file://”, the link must be absolute. If the link proceding “file://” is relative, your browser will not be able to locate it. The “<param>” tag specifies the parameters for a java applet. It must be nested inside the “<applet>” or “<embed>” tag that specifies the applet it relates to. The path contained in this attribute’s data should point to a folder, as this attribute specifies the base directory of other files. The “<input>” tag is useless unless it has both the “type” attribute to tell your web browser what type of form input to create. The “<form>” tag is useless unless it has both the “action” and “method” attributes. The “<embed>” tag is useless unless it has the “src” attribute to tell your web browser what file to embed. The “<font>” tag is useless unless it has either the “size”, “color” or “face” attribute. The “<a>” tag is useless unless it has either the “name” or “href” attribute to define the link. The “<img>” tag is useless unless it has the “src” attribute to tell your web browser which image to display. You cannot have multiple attributes of the same type in this tag. (eg. “<table border=0 border=2>”) This value must be a number greater than 0 (as the number indicates the size of an object). You have indicated that this value is a percentage by placing the percentage sign on the end of it. This means that the number must be a value between 1 and 100. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting width = a number or a percentage. The link to this news server will not work in some browsers because it is of the form “news://”. News links should be of the form “”. File names cannot contain colons, but you have included a colon in this link. (eg. “<a href="/HD/Scaled_1:2.gif">”) I don’t know what this protocol is. This mail tag will not work in some browsers because it is of the form “mailto://”. Mailto’s should be of the form “”. On UNIX servers path and file names are case sensitive (eg. “/hd/file.htm” is not the same as “/HD/File.htm”) The case of link you have entered is different from the case of the actual link found, and so this link will not work. I can’t find this link. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting wrap = “off”, “virtual” or “physical”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting type = “text”, “password”, “checkbox”, “radio”, “image”, “hidden”, “submit”, or “reset”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting scrolling = “yes”, “no”, or “auto”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting method = “get” or “post”. The data for this attribute must be a number between 1 and 7. Hex colour codes can only contain the digits “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F”. However this colour code contains other characters. Hex colour codes can only have six digits. The first 2 digits make up the red component, the second 2 make up the green component and the last 2 make up the blue component of the colour. The data you have passed does not conform to this. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting align = “top”, “bottom”, “middle”, “left”, “right”, “texttop”, “absmiddle”, “baseline” or “absbottom”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting type = “a”, “A”, “i”, “I”, or “1”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting type = “disc”, “circle”, or “square”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting valign = “top”, “middle”, or “bottom”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting clear = “left”, “right”, or “all”. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting either align = “left”, “right” or “center”. This attribute requires no data. However you have passed data to it, which may confuse some browsers. The data of this attribute shoule be preceded by a crosshatch. You have placed a crosshatch in front of the data of an attribute that does not require one. This may confuse some browsers. If this attribute’s data is not placed in double quotes, there is a chance that web browsers will not load it properly. Before you can close a double quote, you must have a double quote to close. If you open a double quote, you must close it before the end of the tag. The attribute you have placed in this tag is not one of the attributes that this tag supports. The “<frame>” tag defines the file to be displayed in a frame, however before using the “<frame>” tag, you must define the attributes (eg. “width”) of the frame, which is done in the “<frameset>” tag. This tag is part of a form, and it also needs to be closed. However you are not closing the tag before you close the “<form>” tag. This tag is part of a form, and it also needs to be closed. However you are not closing the tag before you close the “<form>” tag. This tag is part of a form, and can only be used when placed within the “<form>” tag. I was expecting the name of an alternative font to use, but an empty space was found instead. The “value” attribute of “<li>” allows you to reorder numbering of an ordered list. You are currently not in an ordered list, and so this attribute is useless. The “<LI>” tag has no attributes unless it is in an ordered or unordered list. This tag is not in either of these tags, and therefore there it should not have attributes. “<DD>” tells your browser to add a definition to a definition list, however first a definition list must be made. “<DT>” tells your browser to add a term in a definition list, however first a definition list must be created. “<LI>” tells your browser to add a list item. However you have not made a list for this item to be added to. Blinking text looks awful and is hated by all. There are more effective ways of getting people’s attention than by using “<blink>”. The names of HTML files usually end with “.html” or “.htm”. Many servers will not recognise this file as HTML, and so it may not be displayed properly by the browser. You have passed data to an attribute which is not the type of data that this attribute accepts. I was expecting http-equiv = “keywords” or “refresh”. You can only have one tag of this type in your HTML document. Most browsers will ignore all but the first tag of this type. Frame layout information is placed inside a “<frameset>” section. There may be “<frame>” and “<frameset>” tags within this section, but once the first “<frameset>” has been closed, there should be no other “<frame>” and “<frameset>” tags in the document. The “<frameset>” tag describes the layout of frames on a page. The only tags allowed within “<frameset>” are “<frame>”, and other “<frameset>” tags. Other tags, such as this, should be placed in the “<noframes>” section. The “<frame>” tag defines the URL of a frame that was defined by “<frameset>”. For this reason, the “<frame>” tag must always preceded by the “<frameset>” tag. The “<td>” tag tells your browser where to put the cell of a table. However, it must be preceded by both the “<table>” and the “<tr>”. The “<tr>” tag tells your browser where to put the row of a table. However, it must be preceded by the “<table>” tag. The “<td>” tag tells your browser where to put the cell of a table. However, it must be preceded by the “<table>” tag. Web browsers will get confused if a right angle bracket is found when there is no tag for it to close. Web browsers will get confused if a left angle bracket is found (to open a tag), but no right angle bracket telling the browser where the tag ends. You cannot place attributes in an end tag. Attributes can only go in an opening tag. Some tags have no attributes you can set, and you’ve put attributes in one such tag. Some tags cannot be closed (eg. “<BR>”). They are called empty tags. You have closed one such tag. If a tag is opened in one environment, it must be closed within that same environment. For example, this HTML is incorrect: “<b>bold<i>bolditalic</b>italic</i>”. The “<i>” tag must be closed before the “<b>” tag. You can only close a tag if there’s an open tag of the same type to close. There is no use in placing this tag here, as it was called before, and therefore it is already set. You must close the existing tag first. Every HTML file must begin with the tag “<HTML>”, but this file doesn’t. Web browsers may not recognise this file as HTML unless this tag is present. I have no idea what this tag is. Either it has been entered incorrectly, or this program is too old to know about it.